[ale] Linux Evangelism

Jay Loden jloden at toughguy.net
Wed Apr 13 11:40:01 EDT 2005

That's great! I never waste an opportunity to evangelize...I've moved my 
mother, my fiancee, and several friends/acquaintances over to Linux.  The 
most important thing (at least in my experience thus far) is just to make 
sure they understand that Linux isn't Windows, and they'll need to get used 
to it, so give it some time.  Most people are just happy with the simple fact 
that it's stable, and some, like my mom, are even happier that they can avoid 
Microsoft.  She's no computer geek by any stretch, but she doesn't like big 
monopolies, so it gives her a tickle to use a computer without needing to pay 

My school actually purchased a whole set of laptops for the astronomy classes 
and a program called Starry Night for them.  That (expensive) program, as far 
as I can tell, is basically identical to KStars.  Before I graduate I want to 
show my old astronomy professor a copy of Kstars and see what he thinks...who 
knows, maybe they'll even use it instead of an expensive program that eats 
the department budget. 


On Wednesday 13 April 2005 4:12 am, Robert Coggins wrote:
> All,
> I just thought I would share this neat story with you all.  My dad is a
> teacher and I would consider alightly above average with computers.  He
> has never used anything but MS.  I kept talking to him about linux and
> finally I was able to show him something on a knoppix 3.7 CD.  At that
> time he was having trouble with his windows install.   I showed him how
> he can use that CD to go in an recover files.  I then showed him some of
> the programs on there such as open office and kstars.
> He is a middle school science teacher and ended up using knoppix to
> teach class using kstars.  He showed his principal and others this and
> they all ohhed and ahhed.  He is also in a master's program.  They are
> having some special technology class/presentations.  He is going to use
> knoppix in his presentation and use openoffice for the presentation.  I
> thought this was great and thought of you all when he told me about all
> of this!
> Rob
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