[ale] OT: Microsoft Video Steve Balmer

Robert Karaffa rkaraff at emory.edu
Tue Sep 21 17:05:16 EDT 2004

...ya know, i never had much of an axe to grind with MS, mostly because 
i use Macs and Linux for everything computing (and provide tech support 
for Winders for my family, poor things).  i never had a beef with bill 
gates or his family or his company, since i am not much of a customer 
of his products.
	i never had a problem with the way Winders works, and statistically 
speaking, it (Winders...use your best southern drawl when you say it) 
is the predominant OS on the globe.  how it got to be so dominant is 
not difficult to assess.  and after watching ol' steve run round on 
stage in the video, shouting "c'mon!  give it up for meeee!", it is not 
hard to comprehend why he is so happy about MS.  it's money, plain and 
simple.  steve and his shareholders are happy because of the piles of 
cash MS puts in their bank accounts.
	i never really understood why so many hackers, skriptkids, and other 
social deviants had their cross-hairs sighted on MS.  until now.


-Bob K.

Robert E. Karaffa, II
Technical Director
Emory University School of Medicine
Flow Cytometry Core Facility
1364 Clifton Rd. N.E.
Box 82
Atlanta, Ga 30322
voice: 404/712-4429
fax:  404/727-8993
e-mail: rkaraff at emory.edu
web:  http://www.corelabs.emory.edu/home.cfm#flo

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