[ale] Q: StarOffice and labels

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Sun Oct 24 22:43:51 EDT 2004

ALErs -

I seem to be stuck making labels using StarOffice-6.0 - OO may use the 
same procedures. Here's what I've done:

1. Entered my address list in spreadsheet form, with column (field) labels 
in the first row: "FirstName LastName Address1 ..."

2. Saved the results as both a StarOffice spreadsheet file and CSV text 

3. Tried to create a sheet of labels based on that source starting with 
the various SO-6 wizards, etc.

I also imported the list into Netscape as an address book and tried to 
link that back to SO-6 as my address source, with the same results.

Whatever I do, I get a single page with the proper label layout, _but_
each label has the same text: the names of my fields. It looks as though
I've created a rather uninteresting set of _return_address_ (identical)
labels based on the first line of my spreadsheet.

Any clues for this pilgrim?


 - John Mills
   john.m.mills at alum.mit.edu

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