[ale] lost a motherboard

Cy Kurtz ckurtz11 at comcast.net
Tue Feb 3 11:33:37 EST 2004

I haven't seen any mention of the hard drive. My current motherboard
stumped me for a long time. It didn't show any signs of life until I
plugged in at least one hard drive.

Do you have a known good hard drive?


Cy Kurtz

On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 09:43, Geoffrey wrote:
> Mike Panetta wrote:
> > If you have not done it already, I would power the system up with
> > nothing but the new (well, known good) video card RAM and CPU plugged
> > in to the motherboard.
> Tried it, no go.  Replaced the cpu, video card and ram with known good,
> same results....
> > 
> > I have had cascade failures where the PSU blew taking out the
> > controller on one of the HDD's such that it would hold the MB in
> > reset while the IDE cable was connected.  This can also occur if you
> > somehow reconnected the IDE cable to the MB backwards.  This is
> > because one of the lines on the IDE connector is reset, and its not
> > always buffered/isolated from the main reset line to the cpu/chipset
> > so when it gets shorted to ground the MB stays in reset.
> I'm going to try it again, just to insure I've got only those few
> 'parts' connected.
> > 
> > If you have another CPU, I would also try and swap that out if you
> > can do it.  If the 12V portion of your PSU blew but the 5V portion
> > was still alive (a very unlikely but possible occurance) your CPU fan
> > could have stopped while the CPU was still running.  Of course that
> > depends on if the CPU stepdown regulator on the MB gets its power
> > from the 5V, 3.3V or the 12V supply.  I am not quite sure how they do
> > it these days.
> I do have another cpu, tried it, same results.
> > 
> > Mike
> > 
> > PS: unfortunately the KB leds blinking means nothing.  It just means
> > the KB got power and reset itself.
> Well it does mean the kb got power and reset itself. :)

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