[ale] [OT] Oh.... My.... God!

Robert L. Harris Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Thu Nov 6 14:01:03 EST 2003

  You're swayed to pro-M$ based on the pretty posters even after the
install of their amazing software trashed your machine?  Have fun
looking at your posters while you install, reinstall, rebuild after a
virus, etc.  

Good luck, you're going to need it.

Thus spake Joe Knapka (jknapka at kneuro.net):

> I'm SO excited! I've had this shrinkrapped copy of Visual Studio .NET
> 2002 Professional (supplied by my illustrious employer) sitting in my
> office for six months or so, but I've been muddling along with VS6.0
> for the few tasks for which I still need C++. But the other day I
> found out that someone had changed some code that affects me in a way
> that mandates that it be built with VC++.NET, so I decided to go ahead
> and install it on my decrepit old 233Mhz NT4 box (which *did* in fact
> meet the minimum system requirements for VS.NET, much to my surprise).
> The attempted installation was a near-total disaster, requiring me to
> re-install IE5 (!) and probably NT (though I haven't got that far
> yet). But in the VS.NET box, along with the boring old CDs, I found
> something ABSOLUTELY AMAZING - a 3x4 foot glossy class diagram of the
> entire .NET framework!!! And another one of the VB class heirarchy!!!!
> (VB has class? Who knew??)  And another one, of the infernally
> complicated MS data-access object heirarchy!!!!!  I know it's a little
> silly to be swayed by such trivia, but I just sat and drooled for half
> an hour or so, and then realized that I've actually been converted to
> M$ism! I just CANNOT RESIST the charm and charisma of an organization
> that would give me probably $40 worth of artwork ABSOLUTELY FREE with
> my $1000 investment in software!!!!!!
> Believe me, with posters like these, M$ cannot possibly lose.  I'm off
> to blow $5000 on an MSDN subscription. I bet I'll get some *really*
> cool stuff with that.  All you open-source weenies are goin' down,
> man. Hard.
> Really.
> Cheers,
> -- Joe Knapka
> PS -- No, I'm serious!
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Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
      These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

Life is not a destination, it's a journey.
  Microsoft produces 15 car pileups on the highway.
    Don't stop traffic to stand and gawk at the tragedy.
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