[ale] Maxtor drives

Preston Boyington PBoyington at polyengineering.com
Thu May 29 14:31:21 EDT 2003

don't think it is just you.
i always wondered if the flag was more like:
"if custmr_spprt = afterhrs then goto: screwem"
since it always seems to be midnight on a weekend when these things happen to me.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Layton [mailto:jeffrey.b.layton at lmco.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 1:14 PM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] Maxtor drives

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:

> > That's funny. I've had pretty good luck with WD and
> > HORRIBLE luck with Seagate (I lose one about
> > every 6 months and I only have 2).
> >
> > Jeff
> I have lost more data on WD than Seagate. It was easy to lose the data 
> on the
> WD, I just typed rm -rf . . . . That being said, I prefer Seagate.

That's what I've heard as well (Seagate better than WD).
I can't figure out why I've had such rotten luck. I've
checked the temps on the drives and they are very cool
(much better than the CPU). Maybe Seagate has implemented
the infamous "if jeff_layton" flag that I seem to find in
all of my codes :)

Jeff Layton
Senior Engineer - Aerodynamics and CFD
Lockheed-Martin Aeronautical Company - Marietta

"Is it possible to overclock a cattle prod?" - Irv Mullins

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