[ale] can someone help me to configure dhcp on a redhat 9.0 system?

Van L. Loggins vloggins at turbocorp.com
Wed May 28 16:08:41 EDT 2003

ok the system I am attempting to run dhcp on has for 
it's IP address

here is what I have so far

host 198.212.16x.x;
subnet 198.212.16x.x netmask {
        not authoritative;
subnet 198.212.16x.24x netmask {
        option routers 198.212.16x.2xx;
all clients get this pool.
        pool {
          option domain-name-servers turbocorp.com;
          max-lease-time 28800;
          range 198.212.16x.241;
          allow unknown clients;
ddns-update-style none;

what I want dhcp to do is hand out a very small number of unused IP 
addresses from our regular subnet

which has 198.212.16x.0 with a subnet mask of

I keep getting weird error messages that I am attempting to figure out. 
can anyone help me fine tune this. I am a newbie when it comes to 
manually editing scripts like this.
this is the only DHCP server on the network, everyone else uses static 
IP addresses from the regular subnet.
I need to be able to give access to about 10 or so IP addresses so 
whenever we have a situation where we have anyone from our other company 
locations they can access the internet to communicate with their home 

please forgive the crossed out digits, I don't want my boss to yell at 
me about just handing out our IP addresses over the internet.

I keep getting weird messages like this when I try to start the dhcpd 

Starting dhcpd: Internet Software Consortium DHCP Server V3.0pl1
Copyright 1995-2001 Internet Software Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP
/etc/dhcpd.conf line 1: expecting left brace.
host 198.212.16x.x;
Configuration file errors encountered -- exiting

Thanks for any help you can render to me.


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