[ale] [OT] Small Business Friendly Site

Bob Kruger bkruger at mindspring.com
Sat May 24 10:52:41 EDT 2003

Off topic subject here, but perhaps someone can help.

A friend of mine runs a small (2 Man operation) that makes specialized 
parts for a small application.  He is looking to create a web site that 
allow him to do the following:

1.  Show pictures and descriptions of  individual components.
2.  Store prices.
3.  Be able to generate order forms based on items, quantity, and price.
4.  Have a series of "HOW-TOs" that can be read and/or downloaded.

He does not want to use credit card or on line ordering.  All orders 
will be processed, an order form generated, and then printed and sent to 
him with a check or MO.  

So, I am helping him try to find a small business friendly site that has 
inexpensive web hosting, software that will allow him to post jpegs and 
descriptions of his products, adjust prices, and generate order forms 
(and possibly order numbers).  Hopefully, whatever is out there will not 
be too complicated (e.g. like Interchange).  Since I am helping, I would 
prefer Linux based.  

Another alternative would be a package simpler than Interchange to run 
that could be uploaded to a web site and run from there, and have the 
functionality described above.

Any ideas (other than Yahoo)?


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