[ale] network install of RH 8.0

Dylan Northrup docx at io.com
Thu Mar 13 17:56:24 EST 2003

A long time ago, (13.03.03), in a galaxy far, far away, Mike Lockhart wrote:

FreeBSD can do it over anything that supports DHCP.  Not sure about PPPoE,

:=Debian can do it over a bellsuck connection.
:=On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 16:40, Fulton Green wrote:
:=> And as a followup, I was wondering how hard it would be to net-install if
:=> BellSouth DSL provided the net- part of the install, i.e., would its PPPoE
:=> requirement be a show-stopper?
:=> On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 04:29:07PM -0500, Jason Vinson wrote:
:=> > I just got asked to install Red Hat 8.0 on a few rack mounted machines with no cd drives.  I could crack the cases and manually attach a drive, but i wanted to see if there was a network install option, and if so, how hard is it to do.
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Dylan Northrup <*> docx at io.com <*> http://www.io.com/~docx/
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 really worth it if you give it a try." -- Cowboy Mouth, 'Easy'

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