[ale] [semi-OT] confidentiality banner for Samba/Winboxes

Mazukna, Thomas Thomas.Mazukna at delta.com
Thu Mar 6 10:36:46 EST 2003

Yes, dll are compiled code, but they include "resouces".
these resourves are dialog boxes, string tables, etc. which are stored as
You can go in open a dll in a resoiurce editor, or any .exe for that matter
and change the icon which is compiled into it. same goes for dialog boxes.
You can edit those - move fields around, add new fields and if you do not
change the resource and field IDs you can get away with pretty much
One practical joke was changing start button on my managers box to say
"crash" and have scull and bones instead of windows logo.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg [mailto:runman at speedfactory.net]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 10:10 AM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: RE: [ale] [semi-OT] confidentiality banner for Samba/Winboxes

BTW - dlls are compiled code.  You need either MS Visual Basic or MS C++ to
make them.  For seeing what they already are you need a de-compiler and the
use of them is verboten under the DCMA and the MS license since the EULA
strictly prohibits decompilation.  And dlls are not stored as resources
(maybe on Macs ??), but they are just stored as they are - dynamic linking
libraries - and called in a program.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ale-admin at ale.org [mailto:ale-admin at ale.org]On Behalf Of Mazukna,
> Thomas
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 8:49 AM
> To: 'ale at ale.org'
> Subject: RE: [ale] [semi-OT] confidentiality banner for Samba/Winboxes
> If I remember correctly from my windows programming days.....
> You will not be able to do it on Samba side, but you can "hack" the dll on
> each win box.
> All dialogs are stored as resources, so you find the right dll,
> open it with
> Ms resource editor and add the text to the dialog box.
> Save the dll and distribute it to all client boxen.
> anybody has a better idea?
> thanks,
> Tomas
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Bergeron [mailto:cbergeron at bass-associates.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 8:42 AM
> To: ale at ale.org
> Subject: [ale] [semi-OT] confidentiality banner for Samba/Winboxes
> Does anyone know of any (ugh) Windows software that will alter the login
> box?  I recall a Novell Network where we had a "confidentiality banner"
> displayed above (or it might have been below) the login prompt.  Is
> there a way I can implement something like this using a Samba PDC?  If I
> can't do it on the Samba side, is there a .DLL that I can hack to
> display our message to users?
> Anyone have any ideas in this area?
> Thanks,
> CB
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