[ale] Bobness and Jonathanness (and some PHP)

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Feb 5 06:59:57 EST 2003

J.M. Taylor wrote:
> So how does one pursue Bob- or Jonathanness? :)
> I've been a security focused admin and coder for a couple of
> years...what's the next level?  Certification?  Education?  Annyoing
> questions lobbed at Bob and Jonathan for the rest of my career? ;)

That is a good question. How about some recommendations from Bob and 

Do we spend hours watching the output of tcpdump?  I've got a couple of 
books I've used for study and research.  Would like feedback on them as 
well, (from anyone..):

Real World Linux Security (1st and 2nd editions)
	- Bob Toxen, Prentice Hall :)
Maximum Linux Security - Anonymous, Sams
White Hat Security Arsenal - Rubin, Addison-Wesley
Building Internet Firewalls - (Zwicky, et al) O'Reilly
Firewalls and Internet Security, Cheswick, Bellovin, Addison-Wesley (old 
by (1994) 'internet time standards' but quite interesting)
Linux Firewalls )1st and 2nd editions) - Ziegler, New Riders

I will say this, Bob's book is the most comprehensive book on 
system/network protection of any I've seen.  It actually covers every 
subject found in the other books I've noted in some way or another.

Point is, if you can't afford but one book, Bob's is the one to get.

(no I don't get anything from Bob for those statements, although I've 
enjoyed the pizza he's provided at the ALE NW meetings... :) )

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
Think about it...

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