[ale] Need Jsp/Java Forum

Kevin Krumwiede krum at smyrnacable.net
Mon Jul 15 14:36:40 EDT 2002

On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 08:45, Kevin O'Neill Stoll wrote:
> Try http://www.jivesoftware.com/, it's a mature product that I have seen
> in use quite a bit. Prices range from $100 for the basic to $7,000 for the
> enterprise version.

Jive Forums is what Sun uses for the Java Developer Connection.  Of
course they want to show off what Java can do, but ironically, the
syntax highlighting for Java code isn't quite right.  At least it
doesn't flip out on gt/lt in a for statement like it used to, but it
still messes with the contents of literal strings.

Mature?  Maybe for some applications. :)

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