[ale]A saner man than me said "stupid is as stupid does."

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Jul 10 23:33:46 EDT 2002

Taylor Robison wrote:
> well said.  I'm unsure of what motivates this person to post, but I love 
> the way he writes.  It takes talent to ramble so well and in so many 
> directions.

Yeah, and I don't know who she/he is, but hopefully he/she will make the 
meeting, speak up, only to reveal thier identity. :)

> Mike Lockhart wrote:
>> wtf. :)
>> On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 16:57, Rafos701 at aol.com wrote:
>>> I regret the presence of my gibberish on this serious forum, and 
>>> concur somewhat with many appraisals, especially gratefully for 
>>> "oblivious" discussion and people not opening [my posting.] Finding 
>>> meaning in what I've read of RaFos701 would be equally difficult for me.
>>> Recusing myself from arguing C being compact faster than perl, (4f?) 
>>> I will point out that if you have gathered a bunch of packages from 
>>> suse and can't mount any src partition, something at least happens 
>>> when booting in Ramd. and in the expert dialog one types in 
>>> "/tmp/loopmount/[your replica of the cd dirname]. I'm also grateful 
>>> that the group and topics seem to move along as fast as they do and 
>>> people will likely forget to bring their tasars and MH pros of their 
>>> acquaintance to mtg. It really does bug me when my hard drive won't 
>>> shut up. I'll use larger swap space. You really could model much of 
>>> the discourse on Bush adm. events with a number line where each thing 
>>> that happens, when subject to any criticism, evokes from quarters 
>>> (not necessarilly ale) magnitudes in the negative side labelled with 
>>> units of Clinton administration outrages, such reactions maybe being 
>>> not solvent. Although it would be great [AIWBG] to use a rich and 
>>> sophisticated dev't environ't on my first loved platform, I can 
>>> format, go back to 6.4, and scratch out some pascal on a pad if Suse 
>>> 7.1 gives me any more trouble, and AIWBG to have a real job, if any 
>>> of you sees anyone where your'e eating throw their protective gear 
>>> down and leave the kitchen area please respond to RaFos701 the same 
>>> night with location particulars.. AIWBG if I fell into the category 
>>> of "Qualified IT personnel in Critically short supply [QIPICSP] " 
>>> then I might argue that The shortage is not of people whom in their 
>>> own eyes are in or out of that demograph, but is a shortage of people 
>>> who the people complaiNing about the shortage like. As plagues the 
>>> M/F relt'n's. And IWBG if the worthwhile goal of getting across a 
>>> point abstract or not could be accomplished with handy analogies, 
>>> analogs only resonate in the cognizance of their sources, and thus 
>>> must be relagated (as faIK) to common denominator not of bright or 
>>> dark, but "wtf are you talking about" I really promise not to do 
>>> anything for a while; I'm embarassed. And I'm wanting to know what 
>>> I'm talking about, and maybe I'll get luckay and only the forward 
>>> will work.
>>> ---
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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