[ale] using Time::localtime in perl

Tommie M. Jones tj at atlantageek.com
Mon Feb 4 14:15:58 EST 2002

> >
> > why do $realaccess and $realcreate get values like
> >
> >  	Time::tm=ARRAY(0x81b1a78)?

It's a reference to an array.

According to 'perldoc Time::tm'
       This module is used internally as a base class by
       Time::localtime And Time::gmtime functions.  It creates a
       Time::tm struct object which is addressable just like's
       C's tm structure from time.h; namely with sec, min, hour,
       mday, mon, year, wday, yday, and isdst.

       This class is an internal interface only.
So if you want to access the second element you can go
print $realaccess->[4];
print @$realaccess[4];

which if I am reading the documentation correctly
should be the month.

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