[ale] OT: C not C++ Question
Benjamin Scherrey
scherrey at proteus-tech.com
Sun Dec 29 01:34:35 EST 2002
Can you not establish a pointer to a BufferedInputStream outside of
the while loop, use it within the loop, then delete it outside when
completed? You don't make clear the implications of
BufferedInputStream_new() but its a good general rule that one should
not try to write C++/java code within C. I've intermixed some code
for you...
On Saturday 28 December 2002 11:20 pm, cfowler wrote:
> Example Code:
> int
> main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
> Socket *sock;
> String *tmp;
> InputStream *is;
> OutputStream *os;
> BufferedInputStream *bis;
> String *to = String_new("<chuck at cehuber.org>");
> String *from = String_new("<cfowler at opsup.com>");
> int code;
> if((sock = Socket_new("", 25)) == NULL)
> err("Could not create Socket");
> if((Socket_connect(sock)) == -1)
> err("Could not make conenction");
> //Now we have a conenction lets get out streams
> is = Socket_getInputStream(sock);
> os = Socket_getOutputStream(sock);
> // Create our buffered input stream
> bis = BufferedInputStream_new(is);
> tmp = BufferedInputStream_readLine(bis);
> printf("Got: [%s]\n", String_getChars(tmp));
> String_dispose(tmp);
> tmp = String_new("Helo localhost.localdomain\r\n");
> sendCmd(sock, tmp, &code);
> String_dispose(tmp);
> tmp = String_new_1("MAIL FROM: %s\r\n",
> String_getChars(from)); sendCmd(sock, tmp, &code);
> String_dispose(tmp);
> tmp = String_new_1("RCPT TO: %s\r\n", String_getChars(to));
> sendCmd(sock, tmp, &code);
> String_dispose(tmp);
> tmp = String_new("DATA\r\n");
> sendCmd(sock, tmp, &code);
> String_dispose(tmp);
> InputStream_dispose(is);
> is = InputStream_new(NULL);
> InputStream_setFd(is, 0); // Set FD to STDIN
> bis = BufferedInputStream_new(is);
BufferedInputStream* tbis = 0;
> while(true) {
> tmp = BufferedInputStream_readLine(bis);
> if(String_startsWith(tmp, ".") == true) {
> String_append(tmp, "\r\n");
> OutputStream_write_1(os, tmp);
tbis = BufferedInputStream_new( Socket_getInputStream(sock));
> tmp = BufferedInputStream_readLine(
> BufferedInputStream_new(
> Socket_getInputStream(sock)));
> printf("Got: [%s]\n",
> String_getChars(tmp)); String_dispose(tmp);
tbis = 0;
> break;
> }
> String_append(tmp, "\r\n");
> OutputStream_write_1(os, tmp);
> }
> // Clean up
> String_dispose(to);
> String_dispose(from);
> BufferedInputStream_dispose(bis);
if( tbis )
> InputStream_dispose(is);
> OutputStream_dispose(os);
> Socket_dispose(sock);
> }
So why won't the above work?
Ben Scherrey
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