[ale] Re: du help?

Stephen F Nicholas syssfn at panther.Gsu.EDU
Thu Aug 15 23:34:57 EDT 2002

cd into the directory you wish to check and issue the following command:

du -ks * |sort -rn

Will give you usage in KB.  Hope this helps.


| Steve Nicholas             |                        |
| Software Systems Engineer  |  A risk is not a risk  |
| Georgia State University   |  until it is taken.    | 
| snicholas at gsu.edu          |                        |
| 404-651-1062               |  BBROYGBVGW            |

| Steve Nicholas             |                        |
| Software Systems Engineer  |  A risk is not a risk  |
| Georgia State University   |  until it is taken.    | 
| snicholas at gsu.edu          |                        |
| 404-651-1062               |  BBROYGBVGW            |

On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Ed Landa wrote:

> > installs in less than 300MB. I wish there was a way to figure out - is there 
> > a way to du -m and have the directories and files listed in order by size?
> du -m / | sort -n -r | more
> Ed

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