[ale] What happened?

Jeff Hubbs jhubbs at telocity.com
Wed Jun 13 15:18:41 EDT 2001

That's the impression I get, yeah.  Gates, like McVeigh, took their
punishment remorselessly.  Given that the anti-trust trial was a biggie
in the annals of business law but operated in a whole new playing field
that most people simply can't comprehend, one can understand the final
judgement as kind of bouncing right off and not really having any
material effect.  Judge Jackson probably put more miles on his brain for
that case than most jurists put on in a career in the course of trying
to get his head wrapped around the issues.  

Gates himself is apparently surrounded by like-minded people who
altogether have forged entirely new meanings for the words like
"success" and "innovation."  I see Gates as neither wholly good nor
wholly bad, but whenever I hear him or his people talk, it really just
makes me want to take a shower.  That sig you'll occasionally see -
"'One world, one web, one program' - Bill Gates; 'Ein volk, ein reich,
ein Furher' - Adolph Hitler" sums it up pretty well (I'm presuming those
sayings aren't misattributed).

The heck of it is, I used to be a strong Microsoft supporter.  I was the
first person I knew of to attempt a production NT implementation, way
back in 1995; I completely redid a floundering Human Resources
department on NT; I was a freaking miracle worker.  After a while,
though, there were problems I ran into for which I had no solution
available and furthermore, after a while, I started seeing where, as an
IT Manager, Microsoft was doing things in such a way that was chipping
away at my ability to choose and integrate IT products.  I began
perceiving a dead end up the road, where in order to be an IT manager, I
had to basically throw myself entirely over not only just to Microsoft
but to Microsoft's "partners" as well.  This is the sentiment that drove
me to investigate Linux, and doing so basically salvaged my career.  I
would have gotten out of IT by now otherwise, I'm pretty sure.

Anyway, that's *my* testimonial.

- Jeff

"Robert L. Harris" wrote:
>   I was wondering.  Supposedly M$ lost it's monopoly case... Um is this a
> case of "if we're quiet it'll go away" and has?  Other than 2+ new versions
> of windows I haven't seen anything change...  What did I miss?
> :wq!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert L. Harris                |  Micros~1 :
> Senior System Engineer          |    For when quality, reliability
>   at RnD Consulting             |      and security just aren't
>                                 \_       that important!
>       These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
> FYI:
>  perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
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