[ale] sparc 10 and RedHat Install

Ray Hiltbrand rayh at speakeasy.org
Sun Sep 3 17:16:45 EDT 2000

Sounds like the problem is at the OBP (Open Boot Prom).  I would guess the 
device alias for cdrom has been changed.  At the OK prompt type devalias.  This
will give you a listing of the devices aliases defined in the OBP.  You can then
do show-devs to show the devices.  

Also check the scsi IDs on the rest of the devices (probe-scsi-all from
OBP).  By default target 3 is typically the boot disk.


On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, John Armsby wrote:

> I successfully installed Redhat 6.2 on a sparc 10.  I would crank up the
> pizza box and it would boot off the cdrom.  I did not get everything I
> wanted on the first round so I tried to boot off the cdrom for an upgrade.  
> From stop A, boot cdrom no longer works.  The pizza box says NO BOOT
> DEVICE... The CDROM is on scsi 3.  How do I get the CDROM to boot?  Before
> linux was loaded, I could boot. Is there a command I can invoke from the
> command prompt to start up the installation program on the CDROM?
> Email jaws at mindspring.com
> Thanks,
> John

Ray W. Hiltbrand             rayh @ speakeasy.org 
     "Restlessness and discontent are the
      first necessities of progress." -Edison

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