[ale] sparc 10 and RedHat Install

John Armsby jaws at mindspring.com
Sun Sep 3 16:52:29 EDT 2000

I successfully installed Redhat 6.2 on a sparc 
10.  I would crank up the pizza box and it would boot off the cdrom.  
I did not get everything I wanted on the first round so I tried to boot off the 
cdrom for an upgrade.  From stop A, boot cdrom no longer works.  The 
pizza box says NO BOOT DEVICE... The CDROM is on scsi 3.  How do I get the 
CDROM to boot?  Before linux was loaded, I could boot. Is there a command I 
can invoke from the command prompt to start up the installation program on the 
Email <A 
href="mailto:jaws at mindspring.com">jaws at mindspring.com

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