[ale] Sendmail and MX records

Glenn Stone taliesin at babcom.com
Wed Oct 20 11:00:33 EDT 1999

Chris Fowler writes: 
> How do I setup sendmail to accept mail from whatever.com
> It accepts mail to user at mail.whatever.com.  but i want it to
> accept mail to user at whatever.com.  It is deferring all lookups
> and keeping the mail in the mqueue directory. 

Need to set an MX record in named...

In /etc/named.whatever.com (or wherever your normal A records go):

whatever.com	in	mx	10	mail.whatever.com

Sendmail will look this up and reroute whatever.com's mail to
mail.whatever.com.  You *could* do this with rewrite rules in 
sendmail.conf, but why futz with that black magic when this is
the easy way?  (If you don't have a way to fiddle with named,
*then* is the time to find yourself a Sendmail guru/book/etc...
but I ain't it. :)

-- Glenn

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