[ale] how to bump up max # of alternative groups

Zhongbin Yu " <z.yu at premcall.com> Zhongbin Yu " <z.yu at premcall.com>
Wed Oct 6 02:32:03 EDT 1999

#If you don't care what happens, or you're a high-rollin' gambler who loves 
#the thrill of playing with fire (and especially if you enjoy following the 
#advice of those who know nothing of which they speak), you could try 
#changing the following line found in /usr/src/linux/include/asm/param.h:
##define NGROUPS         32
#There is also the following line in /usr/src/linux/include/linux/limits.h:
##define NGROUPS_MAX       32    /* supplemental group IDs are available */
#Besides the burning question of "What will happen if I do this?", there is 
#the question of what else might need recompiling besides the kernel 
#(applications, libraries, etc.).

Barry, what do you think of the last comment on recompiling application
for the increasing of alternative groups?



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