[ale] Win95 'net use' command

jemcdevitt at mindspring.com jemcdevitt at mindspring.com
Sun Nov 21 13:35:38 EST 1999

This isn't exactly a Linux question, but since many folks here are
responsible for maintaining *Nix/Windows networks I thought I might get
some good pointers.

Here's the scenario:

We have a *nix server that NFS exports a directory: /opt/shared which
shows up in network neighbor hood as SHARED.
We have Win95 boxes that need to mount as:

	h:	/shared
	j:	/shared/java/classes

Now, from the windows desktop through network neighbor hood I can
create the mounts and when I run 'net use' it reads like:

	h:	\\server\shared
	j:	\\server\shared\java\classes

But if I try to do:

	net use h: \\server\shared
This works, but

	net use j: \\server\shared\java\classes

fails.  What I'm seeing from my testing is that the Windows GUI will
infact mount a drive letter rooted at a subdirectory of an NFS exported
mount point, but 'net use' won't.

The NFS export won't allow exportfs to read as:


as it complains on the second line the /opt/shared is already exported.

We need to be able to use 'net use' to setup the mount points because
the boxes are application terminals that need to boot up exactly
configured each time. We don't want the users to access the explorer
system, just run the applications.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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