[ale] OT: perl dbm files?

Mike Fletcher fletch at phydeaux.org
Fri Nov 19 10:53:15 EST 1999

01:  foreach $Directory (@DoDirs) {
02:    print "  \$Directory :$Directory:\n" if ($Verbose eq "T");
03:    unlink($DB);
04:    umask(0377);
05:    $DB="$Directory"."/"."$DBFile";
06:    print "  \$DB :$DB:\n" if ($Verbose eq "T");
07:    tie(%KnownGood, 'DB_File', $DB) or die "Can't open DB_File $DB : $!\n";
09:    %KnownGood=&GetDirStats($Directory);
11:    print "  Print File:\n" if ($Verbose eq "T");
12:    foreach $Key (keys %KnownGood) {
13:      print "    \$KnownGood{$Key} :$KnownGood{$Key}:\n" if ($Verbose eq "T");
14:    }
16:    untie(%KnownGood);
17:  }

    Robert> The print of the HASH looks good, but it doesn't even
    Robert> create $DB and it doesn't die.  Thoughts?

        It does create $DB, but since on line 3 you have `unlink($DB)' 
before you set $DB on line 5 you're removing the previous loop's file
each time through.  Chances are that you've got one file left in
whatever directory happens to be the last in @DoDirs.

        So swap line 5 up before line 3 (and you could rewrite it a
bit more clearly as `$DB = "$Directory/$DBFile";' in the process :).

        And the `if ($Verbose eq "T")' could be written more
succinctly as `if $Verbose' (assuming you start off with setting
`$Verbose = undef;' in the case you don't want verbose output).

Fletch                | "If you find my answers frightening,       __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org   |  Vincent, you should cease askin'          \ o.O'
678 443-6239(w)       |  scary questions." -- Jules                =(___)=
                      |                                               U

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