[ale] MD5 inconsistency

Courtney Thomas ccthomas at access1.net
Sun Nov 7 01:38:31 EST 1999

Greetings !

I just downloaded Slackware7.0 iso(s) and when checking source.iso with
MD5, the number didn't match the included [and presumably correct] MD5
number for source.iso, though the MD5 # for install.iso did match.


Does this mean that I should re-download the entire iso ?

Since this pertains to source files, would it be prudent to ignore it
and assume that maybe the provider [ftp.cdrom.com] may have altered the
source in some way without a corresponding refiguring of the MD5 # ?

Since it refers to source and I don't plan on this distribution being a
primary server, should I let it go, remembering that possibly something
is amiss and that I might need to re-obtain some particular source file
should I find something incongruous, later ?  

I've just never run into a noncompliant MD5 # before !

Thanks for your advice,


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