[ale] DSL reccs?

Robert Butera rbutera at ece.gatech.edu
Tue Jul 27 11:48:35 EDT 1999

Can anyone provide any reccomendations for a [AS]DSL provider?
Good service?  Bad service?

We would like to host our "family" domain (butera.org, currently with
a webhosting service) at home with static IP, as well as handle our
own email.  Unfortunately, MediaOne's @home contact specifically
prohibits running any type of server, so the cable modem is not an

Looking at our server stats and typical usage for email/surfing, we're
easily under 2Gb/month (maybe under 1 Gb/month) in terms of data

Thanks in advance.

Robert Butera, Assistant Professor       
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering		
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0250	
contact info --> http://www.ece.gatech.edu/users/rbutera/ 

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