FW: [ale] DNS

Wandered Inn esoteric at denali.atlnet.com
Tue Jul 27 10:01:06 EDT 1999

> >You should still be able to get to hosts in your /etc/hosts file.  I
> >believe there is a file somewhere (can't recall where /etc/hosts.conf
> >possibly??) that identifies the order in which to search for name
> >resolution (/etc/hosts, then dns...)  Maybe someone else can share this
> info..
> The file taht handles this is /etc/resolv.conv and usually contains thet
> search domain (i.e yourisp.com) then up to three nameserver entries. Check
> your man pages for syntax usually:

I wasn't referring to the dns order, but the order in which the possible
way a machine would be located, IE. /etc/hosts, dns....

> search isp.com
> nameserver
> nameserver
> (replace IP with appropriate DNS addresses)
> Hope it helps.
> Randy Janinda

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at denali.atlnet.com

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