[ale] Weird dd error..

Zhongbin Yu " <zyu at premtec.com> Zhongbin Yu " <zyu at premtec.com>
Wed Jul 14 10:53:01 EDT 1999

#cd / ; tar -cf /dev/stdout . | (cd /disk2 ; tar -xf /dev/stdin)

two small modifications, to a nicer ending:
1. using && instead of ;  to ensure that  next step only runs after a
succesful run the previous step
2. leave out /proc. otherwise, soon you will be in out-of-disk-space land.

In summary, something like:

mkdir /disk2 && mount /dev/newDrive /disk2
cd / && tar cvf - --exclude proc . |(cd /disk2 && tar xvfp -)

I wonder if you should exclude lost+found as well. It makes sense to copy 
old lost+found info over to the new drive along with the file systems,
however, I am worrying about the new drive will end with
improper-sized lost+found dir for its drive size. Any taker?



#Jay Finch                        : "Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova. Commander.
#Owner/GKE of NERO-Atlanta        :  Daughter of Andre and Sophie Ivanov.
#(770) 650-0410   (voice)         :  I am the right hand of vengeance and the
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#horus at larp.com                   :  all the way back to Earth, sweetheart.
#kateth at bck.org                   :  I am death incarnate, and the last living
#MTBI Survey says:  ENXJ          :  thing that you are ever going to see.
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