[ale] 'mirroring' newsgroups

Jim Popovitch jimpop at rocketship.com
Fri Jul 9 18:01:01 EDT 1999

There is an excellent product called leafnode.  I believe you can find it at

----- Original Message -----
 From: Scott Nolde <smnolde-linux at mindspring.com>
To: <ale at ale.org>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 1999 5:01 PM
Subject: [ale] 'mirroring' newsgroups

> I'd like to 'mirror' a defined number of newsgroup headers on my local
> computer so I don't tie up the phone line.  Is there software out there
> for this?
> And in greater detail, I'd like to set this up as a cron job,
> replicating/mirroring at certain times of the day.  Any hints?
> ------------------------------------------------
>                  Scott Nolde
>          smnolde-linux at mindspring.com
> ------------------------------------------------

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