[ale] ISP Connection

Eric Z. Ayers eric.ayers at mindspring.com
Wed Aug 18 21:25:25 EDT 1999

This problem is is almost always the permissions on the pppd daemon,
or a restriction w/in PPPD itself.  PPPD must be setuid root, and
/dev/cua0 (or /dev/ttyS0) must be read/write for all users.

-r-sr-x---   1 root     pppusers   111932 Apr  1 07:02 /usr/sbin/pppd
crw-rw-rw-   1 root     uucp       5,  64 Oct  4  1998 /dev/cua0
crwxrw-rw-   1 root     root       4,  64 Oct  4  1998 /dev/ttyS0

If you are using pap or chap authentication by specifying the '-user'
option to pppd, pppd insists that you be root.  At work, I have
modified the PPPD source code to remove this restriction on a machine
we use as a terminal server. (hooray for open source!)


Ryan writes:
 >   Got a question that has been stumping me for a few days now.  I am
 > using Redhat 5.2 and can successfully dial into my ISP by clicking on
 > the network icon of the control panel, going to ppp0 and activating the
 > connection.  I can only use the connection as user 'root'.  If I leave
 > the connection open, log in as a different user on another virtual
 > terminal and try to access the internet, I get nothing.  I also set up
 > the connection to be initiated at boot time as well as to be able to be
 > initiated by any other user through the control panel.  Yet neither
 > option works.  I have read the manual for 5.2 as well as searched
 > through the Howto's online.  Did I miss the answer somewhere or am I
 > just having a BSOD of the brain?
 >   Thanks.
 >         Ryan

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