[ale] installing JDK

Chris Ricker gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu
Sun Sep 14 10:20:04 EDT 1997

On 14 Sep, Lisa Chiang wrote:
> I'm trying to install the latest version of the linux jdk (ver 1.1.3)
> but I get the following RPM error:
> failed dependencies:
>         /sbin/ldconfig   is needed by jdk-1.1.3-2
> Is this because I only have ld.so-1.7.14-4 instead of  ld.so.1.8.5
> which the HOWTO says I need?  (I can't find it anywhere which is why I
> haven't installed it.)

Two solutions for this:

1.  Ignore it and rpm -Uvh --force jdk-1.1.3-2.i386.rpm to force the
upgrade; if you didn't have ldconfig, your system wouldn't be very
usable ;-).  You're getting the message because you installed ld.so
without using an rpm, so rpm doesn't know ldconfig is installed.


2.  Get the latest 1.9.x rpm you can find (latest release is 1.9.5) and
upgrade using rpm so that it will know you have ldconfig and you won't
get that message every time you upgrade something with shared libraries.


Chris Ricker                                 gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu

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