[ale] installing JDK

Lisa Chiang gt6492d at gatech.campus.mci.net
Sun Sep 14 10:33:23 EDT 1997

I'm trying to install the latest version of the linux jdk (ver 1.1.3)
but I get the following RPM error:

failed dependencies:
        /sbin/ldconfig   is needed by jdk-1.1.3-2

Is this because I only have ld.so-1.7.14-4 instead of  ld.so.1.8.5
which the HOWTO says I need?  (I can't find it anywhere which is why I
haven't installed it.)

So any suggestions on where to look.? I've already looked without
success at ftp.cc.gatech.edu.  Thanks.

Lisa Chiang
gt6492d at gatech.campus.mci.net

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