[ale] Sharing dumb terminal display

Brad Dixon bdixon at panda.gtri.gatech.edu
Mon Nov 3 09:59:51 EST 1997


I'm considering getting a vt100 dumb terminal for use as some extra
display space for textual information. I'm aware that I can use the
terminal's keyboard to control the terminal. What I would really like to
be able to do, however, is hide it's keyboard and control it from my main

Is it possible to share keyboard control of the terminal tty with another
keyboard? Maybe somehow with virtual terminals?

The point of this whole endevour is I want the display space but don't
really want another keyboard cluttering the area.


Brad Dixon                                                                  
Georgia Tech Research Institute -- Atlanta, GA                             
gt5392c at prism.gatech.edu  // finger -l gt5392c at acme.gatech.edu for PGP Key

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