[ale] my modem is ignoring me

John M. Mills jmills at siberia.gtri.gatech.edu
Thu May 30 10:07:48 EDT 1996

When I wrote:

jmm- Can you just put a mating connector on the interface, type into kermit, and
     I meant to add "with pins 2-3 jumpered" -- maybe that makes a bit more
     sense, now.
jmm- see your keystrokes on the screen?


Regards --jmm--

John M. Mills, Senior Research Engineer   --   john.m.mills at gtri.gatech.edu
   Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332-0853
        Phone contacts: 770.528.3258 (voice), 770.528.7083 (FAX)
                  "It's the Bill of Rights, Stupid!"

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