[ale] latest kernels

Chris Ricker chris at Woodruffn239.residence.GaTech.edu
Tue May 14 21:37:54 EDT 1996

On Tue, 14 May 1996, Unix Guru Dude wrote:

> I have decided to upgrade to the latest 1.3.* kernel, but when I ftp'd
> to gatech, I found a pre2.0.3 kernel to be the 'latest.'  Anyone using
> any of these pre2.0.? kernels?  I'm assuming this is the next generation
> of the kernel from the 1.3.100.  I heard I had to have a 1.3 kernel to
> do the 'Java' thing, so I figured I'd give it a shot.  If anyone has
> upgraded to these kernels, I'd appreciate any useful info.

After Linus hit 1.3.100 (last week), he changed the numbering scheme.
1.3.101 is pre2.0.1 (aka 1.99.1, and we won't even discuss the animal
names because it gets confusing ;-).  The latest is currently pre2.0.4 (if
it's not on ftp.cc yet, you can grab it from my computer at
ftp://ricker.gt.ed.net/pub/linux/kernel).  Basically, the pre2.0.x kernels
just continue the bug fixing started in 1.3.9x (Linus wants to hit 2.0 in
less than 10 days from now, assuming he wasn't joking, which is always a
possibility with him, so the pre2.0.x's are coming out daily).

The JAVA support was added with 1.3.100, I believe.  See
Documentation/Java.txt for more info.  For general info on
upgrading/current packages/what's broken and ain't fixed yet, see
Documentation/Changes (shameless self-plug! ;-).

I'm currently running pre2.0.2, I think.  I compiled pre2.0.3, but then
pre2.0.4 came out before I was free to reboot, and so now I'm waiting
until I can reboot into that (for some reason, users get mad if I just
reboot whenever I get the latest kernel compiled ;-).  I haven't noticed
any really gotcha's beyond those common with the 1.3.9x line (broken flock
if you don't upgrade libc, broken ps if you don't upgrade, etc.).  For me,
the recent development kernels have been very stable, even while running
make -j or some such.

Have fun,

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