[ale] xmodmap, motif, and backspacing

Eric eric at uxeric.compgen.com
Mon May 13 08:07:08 EDT 1996

I don't think I mucked with xmodmap to get delete to work. This is what
I have in my .Xdefaults file: 

*defaultVirtualBindings: \
 osfBackSpace : <Key>Delete \n\
 osfDelete : <Key>Execute \n\
 osfUp : <Key>Up\n\
 osfDown : <Key>Down\n\
 osfLeft : <Key>Left\n\
 osfRight : <Key>Right\n


foxtrot at foxtrot.mindspring.com writes:
 > After much playing with xmodmap, I've found the reason my motif
 > applications are doing wonky things when I hit backspace is because
 > they're looking for "osfBackSpace" instead of "BackSpace" or "Delete"
 > (as seen in the /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB file...)
 > Hurrah, I said, and switched it so backspace did that.
 > Here's where I found that non-motifish stuff doesn't know what to do
 > with an osfBackSpace symbol.
 > I assume there's a way to add something to the .Xresources file to tell
 > the motif stuff to deal, but I've got no clue what it's called or where
 > to look. Anyone know what the resource I need is called?
 > -F
 >   .   J.D. Forinash:      geek, speed demon, sysadmin, Vogon poet, DNRC member
 >  /o\  You're not cleared for that.             <IMG SRC = "stardestroyer.asc">
 > '---` foxtrot at cc.gatech.edu
 > The more you learn, the better your luck gets.                          O- <*>

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