[ale] compiling problems...

Steven A. Duchene sad at hpuerca.atl.hp.com
Wed Mar 6 18:11:32 EST 1996

> On Wed, 6 Mar 1996, Alfred Grahame Leach wrote:
> > The question is this:
> > When I first tried to compile, I got errors because /usr/include/linux 
> > did not exist.  I re-installed the development environment, and said yes 
> > to *every* option to install everything (which I hadn't done the first 
> > time).  Now, there's a link from /usr/include/linux to 
> > /usr/src/linux/include/linux but this destination directory doesn't 
> > exist.  In particular, there is no /usr/src/linux.  Can anybody tell me 
> > what I'm doing wrong???  Thanks!
> To fix this, you need to compile your own kernel (/usr/include/linux is 
> made when you compile a kernel).  Compiling your own is a good idea 

	If you notice he says /usr/src/linux does not exist so I don't think
	he will be able to do any makes there. He needs to install the kernel
	source first. This alone will probably solve his problem however
	compiling a new kernel is not a bad idea anyway. This is what he needs
	to do to make his CD-ROM drive accessable.

Steve DuChene              sad at hpuerca.atl.hp.com               1-800-633-3600

	       The HP North American Response Center, Atlanta
		   X/Vue/xterminal/graphics support team
    		    I am an employee of Hewlett-Packard.

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