mimetype and mailcap
gmyers at ufpsprod.attmail.com
Tue Jan 23 12:56:41 EST 1996
I have been having a problem with mimetypes and mailcap with Netscape.
For example, I have the following entries:
image/*; xv %s
image/gif gif
image/ief ief
mage/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe
image/tiff tiff tif
Now I know that my preference file is being read and that some of the
mimetype/mailcap translations work because I have the Adobe Acrobat firing
up for pdf files. Anytime I choose on an image file, it goes to the browser.
Any clues, suggestions?
Until later, attmail!gamyers ph 404.810.3250
Geoffrey Myers fax 404.810.2487
floc 6E26, 1200 Peachtree, Promenade II, Atlanta, GA 30309
gamyers at attmail.com geof at denali.is.net eiger at ichange.com
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