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<body><div>Ale,</div><div>Here is the recap of the Sunday Weekly meeting:</div><div><br /></div><div>Today was May 12th. So the presentation today was the Linux Upskills Challenge for day 12. <br /> <a href="https://linuxupskillchallenge.org/12/">https://linuxupskillchallenge.org/12/</a> Transferring Files<br /><br />We did similar exercises for Transferring Files as on the YouTube video. We connected from a LUbuntu Desktop to a Open Media Vault File Server with SFTP, Filezilla, GRsync and Rsync. Please watch the 8 minute YouTube if you missed our session. </div>
<div><br /></div><div id="signature_old" style="clear:both"><div id="x361b046d3f9e4af"><div>Please join us on Sundays at 3PM US/Eastern. See ale.org for more info and the link to the meetings.</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div></div></div>