<html><head></head><body>Hey! Didn't know you were still on the ALE list. <br><br>I'm using NX at work through Citrix/Citgo because it's what the M$ security people understand. NX is quite usable. We have another tool for remote system access called guacamole from the apache project. It uses vnc on the backend for html5 gui desktop access. Works well.<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On April 6, 2020 7:20:52 PM EDT, Michael Hirsch via Ale <ale@ale.org> wrote:<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">
<pre class="k9mail">I think the NX from NoMachine has the ability to integrate with LDAP.<br>NX is really good, but can be a bear to set up.<br><br>Michael<br><br>On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 8:51 AM Chuck Payne via Ale <ale@ale.org> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin: 0pt 0pt 1ex 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid #729fcf; padding-left: 1ex;"><br> Guys,<br><br> We have been trying to get Citrix Linux VDA working, having issues with ldaps and certs ( seem Citrix Doesn't support ldaps ).<br><br> I was wondering if anyone knows of another Linux VDA software, an alternative to Citrix, where you can have Linux Virtual Desktop.<br><br> --<br> Terror PUP a.k.a<br> Chuck "PUP" Payne<hr> Discover it! Enjoy it! Share it! openSUSE Linux.<hr> openSUSE -- Terrorpup<br> openSUSE Ambassador/openSUSE Member<br> skype,twiiter,identica,friendfeed -- terrorpup<br> freenode(irc) --terrorpup/lupinstein<br> Register Linux Userid: 155363<br><br> openSUSE Community Member since 2008.<hr> Ale mailing list<br> Ale@ale.org<br> <a href="https://mail.ale.org/mailman/listinfo/ale">https://mail.ale.org/mailman/listinfo/ale</a><br> See JOBS, ANNOUNCE and SCHOOLS lists at<br> <a href="http://mail.ale.org/mailman/listinfo">http://mail.ale.org/mailman/listinfo</a><br></blockquote><hr>Ale mailing list<br>Ale@ale.org<br><a href="https://mail.ale.org/mailman/listinfo/ale">https://mail.ale.org/mailman/listinfo/ale</a><br>See JOBS, ANNOUNCE and SCHOOLS lists at<br><a href="http://mail.ale.org/mailman/listinfo">http://mail.ale.org/mailman/listinfo</a><br></pre></blockquote></div><br>-- <br>"no government by experts in which the masses do not have the chance to inform the experts as to their needs can be anything but an oligarchy managed in the interests of the few.†- John Dewey</body></html>