[ale] Is PHP the easiest way to make a web application?

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 12:19:14 EDT 2024

On 6/5/24 03:46, Ron via Ale wrote:
> On 2024-06-04 19:10, Leam Hall via Ale wrote:
>> Pretty much all general purpose languages seem to use JS frameworks for customizing the page and tying in CSS, etc.
> This is exactly correct.
> If there's much user interaction with the page(s) beyond an occasional button click, JS is required lest users bale.
> JavaScript will:
> * refresh page content without a full page reload
> * update CSS on the fly
> * make the page feel *fast* (all logic is loaded in the browser up front)
> Also, accessibility features can be probed and supported, such as:
> * allow the site to support dark mode if the user's OS defaults to that
> * allow the user's OS animation level to be supported (i.e. transition timings can be set to zero if user does not want any)

> rb

Ron, thank you for expanding on that. Using Javascript is pretty much at the outer edge of my knowledge envelope

On 6/5/24 08:23, Allen Beddingfield via Ale wrote:
> I'm going to answer this one from the point of view of the Linux administrator managing the server, not the web developer (because I'm not one).
> I fully expect a lot of people to disagree.

Okay, I'm enough of a friend to oblige.   :)

> PHP is the easiest thing to host (aside from plain HTML).  Just create an Apache virtual host, load the PHP module for Apache and maybe rewrite, and give sftp access to the data directory.

> Allen B.

I've been a Linux guy for long enough to see things change. Even easier is Javascript on a GitHub page, no server required. If you need to store user data you can send it elsewhere, or run your page on Amazon S3 and store it to a file or database on AWS.


On 6/5/24 10:36, DJPfulio--- via Ale wrote:
> Perl.  No need to know anything else.

Ugh...no. DJ, I respect your opinion on most everything, but after three solid years of Perl, and seeing how much mental time was lost when even highly experienced Perl programmers had to decipher sigils and distribution, no. I like Perl, but it does few things easily.


DevSecOps Engineer         (reuel.net/resume)
Scribe: The Domici War     (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well      (github.com/LeamHall)

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