[ale] Retirement musings - was Anyone out there?

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Wed May 3 21:12:53 EDT 2023

Well, looks like I might be starting a new job in a few days. Woot!

I'm real close to the "early retirement" age, and had a job not come up in a few more months, I probably would have taken the retirement route. As an overweight person and former smoker, I don't expect to live long enough to make the delayed gratification of more money worth it. We've eliminated all of our debt; between my wife's income and my unemployment/social security, we could afford to live okay.

But my real plan is to create a work life that I don't need to retire from. I think we're still going to live off of what she makes, with what I'd pull in on social security, and then bank the rest. We don't own a house yet, and I'd like to set that up for her before I croak off.

Y'all, I appreciate your encouragement and job leads. I hope to continue the cycle as I move forward.


Automation Engineer        (reuel.net/resume)
Scribe: The Domici War     (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well      (github.com/LeamHall)

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