[ale] Remove systemd network handling

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Sun Sep 19 18:55:44 EDT 2021

Ok, I'm having some trouble figuring out how to completely remove
systemd from handling network connections.  For some reason it decides
to bounce the connection on a couple machines every few days with no
information in the logs as to why.  It causes havoc with a bunch of data
collection scripts that are connected to instruments. I completely lose
connection to any of the instruments and can't recover without fully
restarting the scripts. I don't need the connection managed for me, it's
perfectly fine statically configured.

The device is already statically defined in /etc/network/interfaces, I'm
not using DHCP on this particular machine, and there's no need to be
looking for hotplug events because the instruments and computer are all
bolted together in the same chassis.

I still seem to have a networking.service listed but I've not found a
way to stop everything. Nearly everything I find in searching is how to
enable it which isn't what I want.

As an aside, are there any good explanations for how to remove user
management and login control from systemd as well?  I don't need seats
or any of the fancy features on this machine, that's just overhead for
no good value so I'd rather to back to plain logins.

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