[ale] Who'd'v thunk it?

DJPfulio at jdpfu.com DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Sat Nov 6 17:01:44 EDT 2021

On 11/6/21 11:28 AM, Charles Shapiro via Ale wrote:
> welp, on a _human_ level this might actually be a good thing.  I am all in favor of giving younger and less experienced engineers a shot at the big(ger) time.

As a customer, I've had experienced "consultants" show up and total noobs show up who charged the same rate and talked on the phone back to the office the entire days they were there being lead through the steps.

The experienced guys took 1 hr.

The inexperienced guys took 3 days, before we sent him away, unhappy.

Now, if they send the experienced guy out and he brings someone else along, but doesn't slow down the results we are paying to achieve, fine.  Alas, it is often just the noob.

I've seen consulting companies strip their seasoned consultants after 11 months (cannot cross the 1 yr boundary), then send a completely new team for the next year, effectively having their customer train the noobs each year.  In the 3rd year, that company was fired - but not after taking $M+ in fees.

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