[ale] Slightly OT: Thrilled with 4AllMemory.com replacement

neal at mnopltd.com neal at mnopltd.com
Wed Jun 9 16:28:30 EDT 2021

Chivalry is not dead. 4AllMemory.com just replaced an 8GB RAM stick, no 
questions asked.

We bought it for a cheap ACER laptop about 3 years ago.   It worked ok 
at the time, but that computer had increasingly episodes of locking up 
with weird little funky skinny rectangles on the screen.   It got to the 
point of it not getting all the way through a reboot before it locked 

On a hunch, I stuffed the original 4GB back in.  (boy am I glad I cut a 
hole in the bottom of the case to facilitate RAM swaps...)  And it 
worked fine.

Friday before the recent holiday, I sent them an email describing just 
that, and asking what my options were.

I didn't hear back from them for about a week, so I called.  They said, 
"oh, we already shipped you a free replacement, and a return postage 
label to send that RAM back".

Sure enough, it arrived yesterday.

I guess us grey-beards remember back when suppliers treated us like 
honest adults.   And vacuum tubes hurt when you touched them too.



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