[ale] So, who do we like for a new 4 port gigabit LAN/WAN Firewall Routers these days?

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Thu Feb 25 10:24:22 EST 2021

There used to be a couple of open source distros designed to be loaded onto
commercial router hardware, but I can't place the name at the moment. I
believe Netgear used to denote model numbers ending in "L" as particularly
suitable for this. I tried it one time, but on a very old wifi router
that didn't have the up-to-date radios for the wi-fi I wanted so I didn't
keep up with it. It seemed like a well done project at the time.

Is that still a thing and is anyone on the list doing that today? If so,
does it still have a reputation for being much more secure than most of the
stock firmwares?
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