[ale] Firewalls

Chuck Payne terrorpup at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 12:04:31 EDT 2021

So, I have a quick question. I have two firewalls in my house. A Sonicwall
NAS3500 that is end of life and pfSense.

I use the SonicWall because my old work gave it to me, I love it because it
simple and I can set up vip with the IPs I have. pfSense is a pain to do
vip, but it rocks because I have openvpn setup and I can get into my
network from anywhere be it my phone or laptop. I use it as my primary dhcp
server and something NAT'ing.

I am looking a new firewall. I like to find a Sonicwall, not sure if there
a place that sells them at a huge discount for students. I like something
that is new. Or something like that, be Juniper or Fortinet. Are there such
sites or places?

I was told that Sophos has a free firewall that is good. You can install it
on hardware or a virtual. So I am wondering if anyone used it and can give
feedback?  Can you do VIP and NAT'ing easily or is this more of a home
firewall? By that, meaning very limited what you can do.

Thanks for any feedback/help you can give. Trying to upgrade my home

Not related, but nice to have when you are working on your home
network. Sweetwater Blue is a very nice wheat ale. I tend to support local
beers. I can recommend "The Gate" in Roswell, their Copper Head a great
amber beer. Blind pirate from Monday Night Brewing another local brewery (
Oh, Allen, they have one in Birmingham as well )
Terror PUP a.k.a
Chuck "PUP" Payne
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