[ale] Compiling MySQL 8.0.17 on CentOS 8 on a DigitalOcean VM

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Wed Sep 30 18:22:05 EDT 2020

I'm working on upgrading some software and I've been deploying this software for over 15yrs similar to the SNAPs method.  I don't like SNAP because too many loop devices can be used up.  I put everything in /opt/<name> and then compile packages and put there.   This method works very well because in a pinch I can tar up that directory on CentOS 5.X and run on CentOS 6.X during a simple upgrade.

My gripe is that my mind is blown by the amount of time required to build MySQL 8.0.17 on a VM at DO.  I'm creating a new base for the software on CentOS 8 for my GUI developers.  It's not the fastest system at DO and it does not need to be.  Only has 2G of ram.

I started the build at 19:30U and it is still going only at 66% at 22:15U.  I use ccache so if there is an issue it'll flay to that 66%.  MY only thought here is that if I could programmatically deploy a VM at DO I could deploy a CentOS8 VM that is a beast, copy files needed to it, do the build, copy back the result, and delete the VM.   If I could that, I could make it part of the build process from start and build the whole thing on a temp VM in under 30 minutes.

Maybe 5 yrs back, when I was working on some LFS stuff, I did the same thing to compile the Linux kernel.  I manually created the VM on their web interface and then would run a script with the IP address on my development system (which was a dog then).  It would upload, build, tar, download, and then I had to mnaully delete the VM. Unless you're using their best VMs to make money you'll waste money keeping them aounrd.  Cloud VMs can be had checp, but whne you need some power the numbers run up.
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