[ale] Ultra cheap tablet discussion. Are they useful or can they be made useful?

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Tue Jun 30 17:57:12 EDT 2020

On Sun, 28 Jun 2020 21:05:57 -0400
Jonathan Meek via Ale <ale at ale.org> wrote:

> Unfortunately no but heard good things

Hi all,

If you want to top post, I guess I can't stop you. But please, please,
PLEASE, be explicit in what you're saying when you top-post. In the
preceding (was top-posted) response, an archaeological dig through
multiple layers of posts would have been necessary to find out what the
"no" referred to.

The preferable way of responding would have been a tiny increase in
redundancy yielding an order of magnitude increase in clarity, as

"No, the left handed smoke bender spec doesn't include snipe hunting,
but heard good things..."


Steve Litt 
May 2020 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
     of the Successful Technologist

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