[ale] Browser Tab management (was: Building computers)

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Wed Aug 12 13:50:36 EDT 2020

On 2020-08-12 07:42, DJ-Pfulio via Ale wrote:
> On 8/12/20 9:31 AM, Byron Jeff via Ale wrote:
>> I've actually been working on tab management lately as I realize the
>> Chrome/Chromium keeps hundreds of Subframes going in the background. I
>> realized I wanted to keep access to the information of the open tab, but
>> not keep the tab open.
> Wallabag server - it is a self-hosted, readItLater tool.
> https://wallabag.org/en  100% F/LOSS.
> Don't confuse the paid hosted .com with the F/LOSS project at the .org. 
> I've been self-hosting it a few years.
> It changed my life thanks to a tablet wallabag client that syncs to the
> server and works 100% offline. Read articles as you like. Archive them
> for reference later.  Browser, 1-button, save to Wallabag, addons.
> Basically, you can have a news magazine with every article something you
> were interested in on any device.  Read it on one and all the others
> know this, so you won't see it again without looking for it.

Is there something similar to Wallabag that just saves the link without
downloading and rendering on its own?  I want to be able to shuttle
links back and forth from one device to another but have that device's
own browser actually visit the site instead.

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