[ale] OT: My Biggest PC Build Blunders

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 19:31:46 EDT 2020

I got a call about a dead pc in a doctors office. This one was mission critical so away I went. 

It booted fine. Ran for about 2 minutes then shutdown. Rinse and repeat. Opened the case to find a large palmetto bug jamming the cpu fan.

Had a new system on the build bench in boxes. Lightning storm hit my street. It hit a tree less than 5' from the wall I was next to. Packaged fluorescent tubes glowed so hot they melted the plastic shrink wrap to themselves. The EMP induced a voltage in the network wiring that destroyed every computer nic instantly and everything else in the case failed over the next week. 20+ systems and all hard drives, backups, tape controllers, monitors, every part. All TVs and radios failed within 2 weeks. Luckily, the brand new first gen 64-bit AMD server for a customer was spared. Too bad my workstation with same parts was not.

On August 10, 2020 5:18:13 PM EDT, David Jackson via Ale <ale at ale.org> wrote:
>In case anyone else would care to share, here are my top three:
>1)  One day I noticed a recent (2-yrs ago?) build was running hot.  I
>checked the fans and power and BIOS OC settings.  Hmmm.  No problem.  I
>removed the cooler from the CPU and then I noticed there was a thin
>"peel-off" sticker on the bottom of the copper heat plate with the
>"remove before use" in bright red on the plastic.  I noticed this after
>cleaned the thermal paste.  Oops.
>2)  I purchased a spiffy new GPU entry-level gaming GPU.  I installed
>and turned on the power, and no video or POST.  I looked and looked
>couldn't find the problem.  So I returned the card to Microcenter,
>another copy of the same card, and installed it again.  This time when
>didn't "work", I hesitated before returning it to MC.  I noticed that
>card had an auxiliary 8-pin power connector I somehow hadn't noticed. 
>3) Before I learned about negative vs balanced vs positive case
>pressure, I
>installed too many LED exhaust fans on cases and couldn't understand
>why I
>had so many dust bunnies around the intake filters.  They were pretty
>color-coordinated LEDs, but, um, it got hard to see the colors through
>the dust bunnies.

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